
Cheers to the new guard at Tor Macmillan who seem to have snatched up the baton and taken off as if their feet are on fire, these including Julie Crisp, Chloe Healy, and many others besides. Also to Peter Lavery who, despite retiring, cannot quite give up his scary pencil and continues editing. My best wishes to others working diligently at Macmillan selling foreign rights or copy-editing, including Liz Johnson and Eli Dryden; in fact to all there who help bring this book to the shelves. Further thanks must go out to all those running numerous websites across the Internet who, for bugger-all payment, take the time to review my books with such precision and care, and, of course, to all those who buy them – without you I’d need to get a proper job! And, as ever, thanks Caroline for the steady supply of coffee, for accepting that my time ranting on the Internet is research . . . oh, and for being my wife!